Where Now?: East Asian Studies Graduate Studies Workshop

2010 East Asian Studies Graduate Studies Workshop

Where Now?: East Asian Studies Graduate Studies Workshop

Wednesday, 13th January 2010
Time: 12:00pm
Location: Purple Lounge, 14th Floor, Robarts Library

Are you at a crossroads in terms of where to go next? Interested in a postgraduate degree in East Asian Studies?
Some very generous graduate students have agreed to share with undergraduate students their experiences as well as address any questions that you may have. Don’t miss out, as we go through the application process and give YOU a chance to ask the specific questions you have been wondering about! Professor Thomas Keirstead will also be in attendance and will help share his insights and advice regarding the East Asian Studies graduate program at the University of Toronto. Discuss career prospects, the program, the student life and more! Refreshments will be served.

Please RSVP to the event through the link below