Grad Studies Info Session

On October 27th at 3pm in the EAS purple lounge, EASSU will be hosting an info session for all EAS students on the topic of applying for graduate schools. Professor Janet Poole has kindly agreed to conduct the session, and we will have some graduate students from our own department come to speak about their own experiences and answer questions. If you’re thinking of applying to grad school in East Asian Studies, you will definitely benefit from this info session!

Study or Teach in Asia!

Have you ever wanted to experience a new culture, and immerse yourself in a different language? Are you tired of Toronto and want to try something new? Have you ever thought about spending a year abroad studying or teaching English? Then come to EASSU’s special presentation on studying and teaching in East Asia!

On Monday October 17th from 1-4pm, students just like you who have been abroad to study or teach in Asia will be giving presentations on their experiences and answering your questions! We have also invited program coordinators from the Centre for International Experience, the Summer Abroad program, JET, and Teach and Learn in Korea to talk about the opportunities they offer to students.

So come join EASSU in the East Common Room of Hart House, and discover all the amazing opportunities that await you in Asia!

To see a schedule of the afternoon, check out the event’s Facebook page soon!

ON EAST Committee Elections!

ON EAST is the East Asian Studies Students Union’s annual undergraduate academic journal and conference. Founded in 2008, it aims to encourage undergraduate students to pursue individual scholarship and push their academic boundaries. Every year, ON EAST publishes several exceptional undergrad essays and provides students with the opportunity to present their research at an academic conference in the spring.

For more information, check out our website here:

ON EAST is currently accepting applications for the roles of Co-Chair (2), and Creative Director (1).

Chair (2)

The Co-Chairs of the ON EAST journal and conference are responsible for publishing the journal and organizing the annual conference. They are assisted by the EASSU team when required. The Chairs work together during the process. Some tasks of the Chairs include: recruiting undergraduate editors, accepting paper submissions, finding graduate student and faculty editors, organizing the conference, and dealing with publication matters.

Creative Director (1)

The Creative Director is responsible for all design and formatting work required by the Chairs. The main responsibility of the Creative Director is to format the journal at the end of the year so that it may be published. This position therefore requires some previous experience with and access to publishing software. The Creative Director is also responsible for upkeep of the ON EAST website.

If you are interested in applying for either of these positions, please send us an e-mail including the following application:

Full Name:
Position you are applying for:
Telephone Number:
Why you would like to be involved with ON EAST:
Any previous relevant experience:

You do not need to be enrolled in East Asian Studies to take on either of these positions. If you are applying for the Creative Director position and have any previous work that you would like to include in your application as an example, please feel free to do so.

Deadline for applications: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 at midnight.

First Event of the Year – “God of Cookery” Film Night!


EASSU’s first event of the year will be taking place this Thursday, September 29th at 8pm in Sidney Smith 1069. We’ll be watching the film “God of Cookery”, starring Stephen Chow, and there will be free pizza and refreshments! Come out to meet your fellow EAS students and enjoy a great movie! English subtitles will of course be provided. The facebook page for this event is here . See you there!

2011-2012 Executive Team!

Thanks so much to everyone who came out to run and vote in the elections today! We now present your 2011-2012 EASSU executive team…

President: Julianne Kelso
Vice-President: Liz Cinco
Secretary: Sonya David
Treasurer: Sol Ramon
External Affairs Officer: Melanie O’Reilly
Communications Coordinator: Grayson Lee
Advertising Officer: Nikki Ng
Class Represenative Coordinator: Jennifer Chun
Junior Executive: Zoe Weber

See you in the new year!

EASSU 11/12 Elections

Date: Thursday 17th March 2011
Place: Purple Lounge
(Robarts 14th Floor)
Time: 3:00 – 4:30PM
(Elections begin
at 3:10PM)

GET INVOLVED WITH YOUR EDUCATION! EASSU is looking for enthusiastic and motivated executives for our 2011-2010 team! If you’re interested in joining us, check out the list below which details the roles that each member plays on the team.

Positions available:
President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Co-ordinator, Webmaster, External Affairs Officer, Junior Executive, Class Representative Coordinator, Advertising Officer (Total: 10 positions available)


Event: January 24 – Presentation by Doctor Joseph Wong and Flora Chong

On January 24th 2011, the East Asian Studies Student Union will host a special presentation by Doctor Joseph Wong and Flora Chong from the Toronto Association for Learning and Preserving the History of World War II (ALPHA). ALPHA’s mandate is to discover and raise awareness of the history of World War II in Asia and its significance to human rights education. This presentation will discuss the history of World War II with a focus on Asia, particularly in regards to atrocities such as the treatment of “comfort women”, as well as war criminal trials and issues of compensation and apology following the war.

It will aim to answer the following questions:

How do we remember World War II in Asia?
What can we do to educate the next generations in order to share truth, gain justice, and promote reconciliation?

It promises to be a fascinating discussion, not only for those involved in Asian studies but also those interested in history, education, international relations, human rights issues, etc. All are welcome! We hope to see you there!

January 24, 4-6PM
Debates Room, Hart House