First Event of the Year – “God of Cookery” Film Night!


EASSU’s first event of the year will be taking place this Thursday, September 29th at 8pm in Sidney Smith 1069. We’ll be watching the film “God of Cookery”, starring Stephen Chow, and there will be free pizza and refreshments! Come out to meet your fellow EAS students and enjoy a great movie! English subtitles will of course be provided. The facebook page for this event is here . See you there!

2011-2012 Executive Team!

Thanks so much to everyone who came out to run and vote in the elections today! We now present your 2011-2012 EASSU executive team…

President: Julianne Kelso
Vice-President: Liz Cinco
Secretary: Sonya David
Treasurer: Sol Ramon
External Affairs Officer: Melanie O’Reilly
Communications Coordinator: Grayson Lee
Advertising Officer: Nikki Ng
Class Represenative Coordinator: Jennifer Chun
Junior Executive: Zoe Weber

See you in the new year!

EASSU 11/12 Elections

Date: Thursday 17th March 2011
Place: Purple Lounge
(Robarts 14th Floor)
Time: 3:00 – 4:30PM
(Elections begin
at 3:10PM)

GET INVOLVED WITH YOUR EDUCATION! EASSU is looking for enthusiastic and motivated executives for our 2011-2010 team! If you’re interested in joining us, check out the list below which details the roles that each member plays on the team.

Positions available:
President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Co-ordinator, Webmaster, External Affairs Officer, Junior Executive, Class Representative Coordinator, Advertising Officer (Total: 10 positions available)


Event: January 24 – Presentation by Doctor Joseph Wong and Flora Chong

On January 24th 2011, the East Asian Studies Student Union will host a special presentation by Doctor Joseph Wong and Flora Chong from the Toronto Association for Learning and Preserving the History of World War II (ALPHA). ALPHA’s mandate is to discover and raise awareness of the history of World War II in Asia and its significance to human rights education. This presentation will discuss the history of World War II with a focus on Asia, particularly in regards to atrocities such as the treatment of “comfort women”, as well as war criminal trials and issues of compensation and apology following the war.

It will aim to answer the following questions:

How do we remember World War II in Asia?
What can we do to educate the next generations in order to share truth, gain justice, and promote reconciliation?

It promises to be a fascinating discussion, not only for those involved in Asian studies but also those interested in history, education, international relations, human rights issues, etc. All are welcome! We hope to see you there!

January 24, 4-6PM
Debates Room, Hart House

November 1st Events

Hi all! There are two very important events happening tomorrow we’d like to remind you about!


The first is our Grad Studies workshop, which is taking place from 1-3pm in SS2115. It will be hosted by Professor Janet Poole, who has offered to share information and answer questions about applying to graduate school and the types of EAS programs offered here at UT and at outside schools. Come out to learn about your options for the future! Due to limited space, please RSVP to if you plan on attending.

Also, the “alternative town hall” meeting for all organizations involved in opposing the Dean’s (former!) Academic Plan are meeting tomorrow from 12-2pm in OISE room 2214. While we won the battle against the Academic Plan, the greater war against these kind of blanketed cuts to humanities programs still needs to be fought. Under the current university policies, our department is still in danger of being disestablished at any point without democratic consultation or intellectual rationale. This meeting will be a great opportunity for students to voice their opinions so that a document of our collective demands can be drawn up and presented to the administration. Now is the time for real change!

Due to these events, EASSU will not be holding our regular office hours tomorrow from 1-3pm.

We hope to see you at either the town hall meeting or the grad studies workshop tomorrow! Stay tuned for more upcoming events, we have a busy November planned!

– Julianne

Our department is saved!

Rumours have been circling for the past two days about the status of the Dean’s plan, and although we don’t yet have an official announcement from the administration, we have had confirmation from Professor Keirstead, the chair of our department, that we should offically announce the good news:

The School of Languages and Literatures is dead!

Here’s a modified version of what Josiah Blackmore, Chair of Spanish and Portuguese, had to say earlier today:

The chairs of the “affected” units had a meeting with the dean and 3 vice-deans yesterday morning. More information will be coming later, but for the time the proposed School of Languages and Literatures is off the board, and departments for the foreseeable future will retain their autonomous status. The discussion with the dean was positive, so we have reason to be optimistic, although much work remains ahead. The dean outlined several tasks for our departments, including undergraduate enrollments (for some of the units), and other matters related to graduate applications and possible collaboration between programs. We are, however, being asked to address these concerns as autonomous departments, not as amalgamated units.

While this is certainly cause for celebration, we still remind everyone that we need to ensure that this kind of proposal is not brought to the table without fair and democratic consultation in the future. If we do not make significant changes to the way the administration at this university makes its decisions, our department is just as at risk as we were under the Dean’s Academic Plan. Unless we continue our fight to increase the transparency of the administration’s policies, we could very well be faced with a similar proposal in the near future.

For this reason, we highly encourage you to attend the UTEAU meeting on Monday, and help us to draft a document of our demands to present to the administration. More info can be found here.

Updates on the details of this news will follow as it unfolds!

– Julianne Kelso, Vice President

Halloween Movie Night!


EASSU will be hosting our annual Halloween movie night this year by screening Park Chan-wook’s “Thirst”, a vampire thriller! It will be in Sidney Smith room 2135 on October the 28th, at 8pm.  There’s no admission charge, and we’ll even have free pizza! This event is open to all students of all departments, so bring your friends for some Halloween fun!

New Executive Team!

We had elections for our executive team last Thursday at our General Meeting – thanks to everyone who came out! We present to you our 2010/2011 exec team!

President: Michel Marion
Vice-President: Julianne Kelso
Secretary: Jessica Lee
Treasurer: Liz Cinco
Communications Coordinator: Sol Ramon
Class-representative Coordinator: Matthew Headland
External Affairs Coordinators: Jane Jhung and Youngsik Hwang
Junior Executive: Daniel Jung

The year is only just getting started, check back here soon for exciting events to come!

EASSU General Meeting & Elections!


EASSU will be holding our first general meeting for the year this Thursday, Sept 30 from 3-5pm in the Purple Lounge. There will be food! Gen meetings are a great chance to meet other EAS students and learn about how to get involved this year in your program. As you know, this year is a particularly challenging one for EAS students as our program is under attack, so we need motivated and committed individuals to help us oppose the Dean’s Academic Plan. However, we’re still also looking for students who are interested in event planning, organizing academic seminars, planning film nights, etc! EASSU will be going on as usual this year, just with some added work as we fight to keep our program.

Elections for exec positions will start at 3:30. If you’re applying for an exec position and have a class conflict at 4, let us know and we’ll try to schedule you so you can do your speech and then go to class. If you have class during the whole 3-5 period, we encourage you to still apply, just send us your application and we’ll read out your answers for you. Better yet, send us a video or audio file of you reading your application and we’ll play it for everyone who’s attending!

For more info on elections, and to find out what positions are available, see here! Deadline for applications is this Tuesday at 11:59pm, so get them in ASAP! If you have any questions, send them to us at Hope to see you there!