Greetings from the 2016-17 EASSU Exec Team!
Next Wednesday (October 5th) is the day for our Annual General Meeting for all EASSU members out there. Come join us for elections (you will get to vote for your favourite treasurer) and have a chat with your fellow union members and meet this year’s exec team members!
An update about elections:
Currently, we have the position of treasurer open for year 2016-17, so if you are interested in taking part and representing your EAS family, we strongly encourage you to run for the position!
Elections will take place 4:00-6:00pm on Wednesday, October 5th in the Purple Lounge on the 14th floor of Robarts Library.
Refreshments will be provided. All students enrolled in at least one EAS course are welcome and encouraged to come out and vote.
Position Description:
Treasurer: In charge of all student union finances; manages budgets for union and all events; compiles and submits receipts to ASSU; submits funding requests; present at all events.
If you are interested in running for the position, send the following application form to us at by 11:59pm on Tuesday, October 4th.
Year of Study and Program:
Phone number:
E-mail address:
Position you are running for:
Why you would like to participate in EASSU:
Why you feel you are a good candidate for the position:
Position: Treasurer
All applicants will be expected to make a brief speech detailing why they should be elected. Candidates who cannot attend the election may email us an audio or video file of their speech before the application deadline. Otherwise, the final two questions of their application will be read on their behalf by an EASSU executive at the election.
We look forward to reading your application!
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