EASSU Elections 2012/2013!

We are currently looking to fill all positions on our EASSU 2012/2013 team. If you are interested in taking on a leadership role, representing your fellow EAS students, and making a difference on campus, we highly encourage you to apply! Elections will take place on Friday March 30th from 2-3pm in the Purple Lounge of the EAS department (14th floor of Robarts). All students are welcome to attend to vote for next year’s executive team. Refreshments will be provided.

Positions Available (see below for detailed description): President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Media Coordinator, Advertising Officer*, Department Liaison, Class-Rep Coordinator, Junior Executive.

If you are interested in running for one of the above positions, send the following application here by March 29th at 11:59pm.

All applicants will be expected to make a short (3 minute) speech at our elections on Friday, March 30th at 2pm. Any candidates who cannot attend the elections may send an audio or video file of their speech here before March 29th. Otherwise, the final two questions of their application will be read for them by a representative at the elections.

Year of Study and Program:
Phone number:
E-mail address:
What position are you running for:
Why would you like to participate in EASSU:
Why do you feel you are a good candidate for the position:

*Please note that applicants for the position of Advertising Officer must be comfortable using Adobe Photoshop or a similar program and have some graphic design experience. For those interested in this position, please send two to three examples of previous work in .jpg format along with your application.

Manages student union; directs all meetings, events, and projects; ensures that EASSU abides by all ASSU rules and regulations; manages the mailing list along with Media Coordinator; present at all events.

Assists President in directing the student union; assists in management of events and projects; acts as liaison with On East Journal co-chairs; present at all events.

Takes minutes at meetings and posts them within reasonable time frame; manages EASSU e-mail account; coordinates communication amongst members (i.e. scheduling events); manages office and administrative tasks; present at all events.

In charge of all student union finances; manages budgets for union and all events; compiles and submits receipts to ASSU; submits funding requests; present at all events.

Media Coordinator
Manages and updates Facebook group; manages and updates website; compiles mailing list along with President; present at all events.

Advertising Officer
Creates posters for all events; in charge of all graphic design work for EASSU, including pamphlets and flyers; gets posters printed and put up around campus; handles all other promotional work such as contacting media; takes photographs at events; present at all events.

Department Liaison
Communicates with other members of the department – faculty, staff, graduate students; handles intradepartmental promotion of events; meets regularly with undergraduate coordinator and department chair to discuss EASSU initiatives and student concerns; present at all events.

Class-Rep Coordinator
Establishes class representatives in all EAS courses for event promotion and critical link to students; keeps in regular contact with class reps and provides information about upcoming events for announcements; present at all events.

Junior Executive
Locates and books rooms for all events; books A/V for events; manages set-up for events; assists President with any required tasks; present at all events.

Scholarship Opportunities – Korean Canadian Scholarship Foundation

The Korean Canadian Scholarship Foundation is accepting applicants for its annual Korean Studies award! 3 students will be selected from University of Toronto for prizes of $1000. This is a great opportunity for all those interested in Korea!

To apply, you must be…

1. Working towards a minor or major in Korean Studies or have taken at least two courses in Korean Studies.

2. A Canadian citizen or a landed immigrant.

3. Enrolled full-time during 2011/2012 academic year and must have completed at least one full academic year in a post secondary education institution (e.g. university, college) in Canada or abroad, and must submit proof of registration prior to receipt of scholarship, if awarded.

Note that previous recipients are not eligible.

2011-2012 Korean Studies Scholarship Application Form

March 22: Presentation by Prof. Joshua Pilzer, Hearts of Pine: Songs in the Lives of Three Korean Survivors of the Japanese “Comfort Women”

We are excited to announce our upcoming academic seminar with Professor Joshua Pilzer, assistant professor of ethnomusicology at U of T.  It will take place on March 22nd from 2-4pm in the South Dining Room of Hart House. He will be discussing his recent book entitled Hearts of Pine: Song in the Lives of Korean Survivors of the Japanese “Comfort Women”. All are welcome to attend!

Read more March 22: Presentation by Prof. Joshua Pilzer, Hearts of Pine: Songs in the Lives of Three Korean Survivors of the Japanese “Comfort Women”

Imagining East Asia – March 12, 2012

Imagining East Asia

EASSU is thrilled to announce our first annual showcase of undergraduate student artwork! We will be exhibiting student submissions of photography, paintings, drawings, and other works that have been inspired by East Asia. We welcome all members of the University of Toronto community to drop by the EAS Purple Lounge on the 14th floor of Robarts on March 12 from 2-5 to view this exciting collection. Light refreshments will be served. See you then!

On East Journal Deadline Extended

The deadline for submissions for the On East journal has been extended to 11:59pm, (Sunday) January 22nd 2012!

If you’re interested, please email eassujournal@gmail.com with:

Full Name, Student Number
Your Paper with an abstract (400-500 words)
E-mail with Subject Title: ON EAST JOURNAL SUBMISSION

To be eligible, you must be enrolled in an undergraduate degree program at the University of Toronto.

GUIDELINES: (Your paper will NOT be accepted unless it follows these)

– Your paper cannot exceed more than 15 pages (excluding bibliography), size 12 font, Times New Roman and Double-spaced
– Please clearly state the course it was written for, it this applies, as well as all your name, student number & email in the document
– You can submit a maximum of 2 papers
– Your document should be titled with your full name, and please number your submissions if you are submitting more than one essay (eg.
– Please send it in .doc format
– Your paper must follow MLA format, with embedded citations. You must also supply an MLA-formatted bibliography.
– You MUST state whether you are comfortable with us uploading your essay onto turnitin.com.

For more info, check out http://oneast.sa.utoronto.ca..

Battle Royale Movie Night and Bi-elections!

We have an exciting upcoming event to tell you about. On Thursday, January 19th at 8pm, EASSU will be screening the famous Japanese cult film “Battle Royale” in Sidney Smith room 1069. This is a great chance to relax and meet fellow EAS students before we all get too busy with work this semester! Pizza and drinks will be provided, and there will of course be English subtitles on the film. For more info: http://www.facebook.com/events/168671593238760/.

Before the film, we will also be holding our winter semester bi-elections for the open position of EASSU Treasurer. The elections will take place at 7:30pm, also in SS1069. If you are interested in applying, there is more info on our website here: http://eassu.sa.utoronto.ca/2012/01/14/eassu-by-elections-treasurer-position-open/. Please contact us at eassu.uoft@gmail.com if you have any questions.

See you Thursday!

EASSU By-Elections – Treasurer Position Open!

The East Asian Studies Student Union is currently accepting  applications for the position of treasurer for the winter semester.  This is a great opportunity for anyone who is interested in getting involved on campus and making a difference in their education! We are particularly looking for a student who is  also planning on being a part of EASSU next year, so we encourage students to apply who are not in their final year of university.

The treasurer’s role will involve drawing up a winter budget for EASSU and generally taking care of EASSU’s finances. As a member of the executive team, the treasurer also helps to plan, organize, and carry out EASSU events.

If you are interested in applying, please send the following application to eassu.uoft@gmail.com by 11:59pm on January 18th.



Student Number:

Phone number:

E-mail address:

Why would you like to be involved with EASSU?

Do you have any relevant experience for this position?

Elections for this position will take place at 7:30pm in SS1069 on Thursday, January 19, 2012. Applicants will be asked to talk for a short time (3-5 minutes) about why they are applying for the position, their relevant previous experience, etc.  If you would like to apply but are unable to attend, an executive member of EASSU will read your application for you, or you may send a video file of yourself. All EAS students are able to vote in this election.

Grad Studies Info Session

On October 27th at 3pm in the EAS purple lounge, EASSU will be hosting an info session for all EAS students on the topic of applying for graduate schools. Professor Janet Poole has kindly agreed to conduct the session, and we will have some graduate students from our own department come to speak about their own experiences and answer questions. If you’re thinking of applying to grad school in East Asian Studies, you will definitely benefit from this info session!

Study or Teach in Asia!

Have you ever wanted to experience a new culture, and immerse yourself in a different language? Are you tired of Toronto and want to try something new? Have you ever thought about spending a year abroad studying or teaching English? Then come to EASSU’s special presentation on studying and teaching in East Asia!

On Monday October 17th from 1-4pm, students just like you who have been abroad to study or teach in Asia will be giving presentations on their experiences and answering your questions! We have also invited program coordinators from the Centre for International Experience, the Summer Abroad program, JET, and Teach and Learn in Korea to talk about the opportunities they offer to students.

So come join EASSU in the East Common Room of Hart House, and discover all the amazing opportunities that await you in Asia!

To see a schedule of the afternoon, check out the event’s Facebook page soon! http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=167038996716886.

ON EAST Committee Elections!

ON EAST is the East Asian Studies Students Union’s annual undergraduate academic journal and conference. Founded in 2008, it aims to encourage undergraduate students to pursue individual scholarship and push their academic boundaries. Every year, ON EAST publishes several exceptional undergrad essays and provides students with the opportunity to present their research at an academic conference in the spring.

For more information, check out our website here: http://oneast.sa.utoronto.ca/.

ON EAST is currently accepting applications for the roles of Co-Chair (2), and Creative Director (1).

Chair (2)

The Co-Chairs of the ON EAST journal and conference are responsible for publishing the journal and organizing the annual conference. They are assisted by the EASSU team when required. The Chairs work together during the process. Some tasks of the Chairs include: recruiting undergraduate editors, accepting paper submissions, finding graduate student and faculty editors, organizing the conference, and dealing with publication matters.

Creative Director (1)

The Creative Director is responsible for all design and formatting work required by the Chairs. The main responsibility of the Creative Director is to format the journal at the end of the year so that it may be published. This position therefore requires some previous experience with and access to publishing software. The Creative Director is also responsible for upkeep of the ON EAST website.

If you are interested in applying for either of these positions, please send us an e-mail including the following application:

Full Name:
Position you are applying for:
Telephone Number:
Why you would like to be involved with ON EAST:
Any previous relevant experience:

You do not need to be enrolled in East Asian Studies to take on either of these positions. If you are applying for the Creative Director position and have any previous work that you would like to include in your application as an example, please feel free to do so.

Deadline for applications: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 at midnight.